Covert Abuse

Witchcraft: A Work of the Flesh

“To attempt to control a person and make them do what you want by the use of any other spirit than the Holy Spirit is a form of witchcraft” carries significant spiritual implications. It reflects the understanding that God, through the Holy Spirit, provides guidance, wisdom, and empowerment to His followers, while any attempt to

Covert Abuse

Self-Deception as a Coping Mechanism Pt.2

More ways self-deception may manifest as a coping mechanism in the context of surviving abuse: It’s important to recognize that self-deception as a coping mechanism can be harmful in the long run, as it can prolong the abuse, perpetuate a cycle of victimization, and hinder the process of healing and recovery.

Covert Abuse

Self-Deception as a Coping Mechanism Pt. 1

Self-deception as a coping mechanism in the context of surviving abuse involves consciously or unconsciously distorting or denying certain aspects of reality to alleviate the emotional and psychological distress associated with the abuse. It is a psychological defense mechanism that individuals may employ to protect themselves from the painful truths of their situation. Here are

Covert Abuse


Humiliation can indeed be considered a form of psychological abuse. It involves the intentional and systematic use of actions, words, or gestures to degrade, belittle, or embarrass someone, causing them emotional distress and damaging their self-esteem and sense of self-worth. Here are some ways in which humiliation can be abusive: The effects of humiliation can

Covert Abuse

Narc PR: Damage Control

Covert narcissists are known for their manipulative tactics, and one of those tactics involves ensuring that they get their lies in first. By doing so, they aim to control the narrative and manipulate others’ perceptions of events or situations. Here’s an explanation of how covert narcissists use this strategy:

Covert Abuse

ANGER: Taking The First Step

Anger can be the first step toward healing because it helps us recognize when something unfair or hurtful has happened. When we feel angry, it means our boundaries have been crossed. While it may seem counterintuitive, anger can be the first step in the healing process for some individuals. Here’s how it can work:

Covert Abuse

Sovereignly Enthroned

In the context of believers in Christ, the concept of being “Sovereignly Enthroned” can be understood from a theological perspective based on biblical teachings. Therefore, when believers in Christ are referred to as “Sovereignly Enthroned,” it highlights their position of authority, victory, and participation in Christ’s reign. It signifies that through their identification with Christ,