Covert Abuse

Church Hurt

I wrote a song that represents someone with a church hurt who had to run into the arms of Jesus to be healed in order to be restored again. I have not left the church. I love Jesus and the people of God. He is my Lord and Savior. This song has been my experience

Covert Abuse

The Insecure Narcissist: The Fragile Self-Esteem Behind The Mask

While narcissists often project an image of grandiosity, superiority, and self-confidence, underneath this facade, they are frequently deeply insecure. This insecurity is a fundamental aspect of narcissism and plays a crucial role in their behaviors, including projecting their insecurities onto their victims. Here’s an explanation of how this dynamic works: Fragile Self-Esteem: Narcissists have a

Covert Abuse

Defending Others: Navigating the Tightrope Between Trust and Truth

When you defend someone, particularly in a public or social context, you are essentially vouching for their character, actions, or statements. This can be seen as offering the collateral of your own reputation to support theirs. Here’s how it works: Defending someone, especially when you later discover they have lied or when you hear conflicting

Covert Abuse

Divine Justice Through Relentless, Unceasing Prayer

We all know what Divine justice is, but let me touch on relentless, unceasing prayer. ‘Relentless’ and ‘unceasing’ are similar words, but they describe different durations. ‘Relentless’ implies a short-term persistence in the face of obstacles, whereas ‘unceasing’ implies a continuous and uninterrupted effort. So the title refers to ushering in Divine Justice from Father

Covert Abuse

Hidden Battlegrounds: The Sinister Connection Between Psychological Warfare and Covert Abuse

Psychological warfare, commonly known as PsyWar, is not limited to geopolitical conflicts or military strategies. It extends its insidious reach into the realm of interpersonal relationships, where covert abuse takes place. This blog post sheds light on the unsettling connection between psychological warfare and covert abuse, examining the tactics employed, the impact on victims, and